List of trains stopping at: YiwuClick the TrainNo to see a list of stations and the arrival and departure times of this train.Click the station name to see a list of trains stopping at this station.Disclaimer: The train schedule information is for your reference only. Train schedules change without notice. Ticket price is calculated from the ticket price table. Actual price may vary. Please contact local stations to confirm all the data.
Everything you can find in Yiwu market: houseware, decoration & crafts, jewelry, toys, flowers, stationery, cosmetics, hardware, textile, electric & electronic, socks, garment & accessories, leather goods, bags & box, shoes, sports, etc.More than 40,000 shops is made up of three market groups, namely Huangyuan Market, Binwang Market and the International Trade Market. There are the Biggest Commodity Market and the Biggest Jewelry market of China.