Everything you can find in Yiwu market: houseware, decoration & crafts, jewelry, toys, flowers, stationery, cosmetics, hardware, textile, electric & electronic, socks, garment & accessories, leather goods, bags & box, shoes, sports, etc.More than 40,000 shops is made up of three market groups, namely Huangyuan Market, Binwang Market and the International Trade Market. There are the Biggest Commodity Market and the Biggest Jewelry market of China.

Oct 31, 2008

Yiwu Joint Venture Limited Registry

The Sino-foreign joint venture is the enterprise that foreign companies, enterprise and other economic organizations or individuals (hereinafter referred to as "foreign joint ventures") to establish equity joint venture together with Chinese companies, enterprise and other economic organizations (hereinafter referred to as "Chinese joint ventures") within the territory of the People's Republic of China, on the principle of equality and subject to approval by the Chinese Government. Both parties to the venture shall share the profits, risks and losses in proportion to their contributions to the registered capital.

trade enterprise: RMB500, 000 .Manufacture enterprise: RMB1million.Consultancy enterprise: RMB500, 000.

Fill the application form→advance payment→submit material to the government departments→pay for the rest expenses.

For the legal person, the following documents are required:
(1). Board of director's meeting minutes or resolution of two parties;
(2).3-5 company names, registered capital and business scope
(3).Detailed information about the business scope and registered capital;
(4).Feasible study report;
(5).Original Articles of Association;
(6).Duplicate copy of the business license and certificate of incorporation of two parties;
(7).The original and copies of identity certification of pre-established company's legal representative, and color photo;
(8).Two original bank reference letters (from foreign investor's bank) indicating foreign investors' creditability, issued within 6 months in both English and Chinese language;(9).Lawyer's notarization
(10).Chinese investor's annual audit report and seals;
(11).The office address: your own house property or the rented commercial building (two original copies of lease signed and sealed by the local Housing Management Authority , showing the recognized registered address of joint venture. The signing party should be in the name of one shareholder or the foreign company; the purpose must be for commercial use)Production address: your own house property or the rented commercial workshop (two original copies of lease with signature by Housing Management Authority, showing the recognized registered address of joint venture. The signing party should be in the name of one shareholder or the foreign company; the purpose must be for workshop use)
(12).Approval of environmental and fire departments.

For the abroad natural person, the following documents are required:
(1).Board of director's meeting minutes or resolution of two parties;
(2).Duplicate copy of identity certification of foreign investors& Legal representative, directors of pre-established company;
(3).Lawyer's notarization of foreign investor's identity certification;
(4).Duplicate copy of ID & two color photos of the pre-established company's legal representative;
(5).Feasible study report;
(6).Original copy of Articles of Association;
(7).Two original bank reference letters (from foreign investor's bank) indicating foreign investors' creditability, issued within 6 months in both English and Chinese language;
(8).Chinese investor's business license, annual audit report and company's seals.

(1).Approval document;
(2).Original Articles of Association;
(3).Foreign investment enterprise approval license;
(4).Both original and duplicate copy of business license;
(5).Cachet, financial, custom and legal representative private chop;
(6).Seal carving registration card;
(7).Both original and duplicate copy of Organization Code License & card;
(8).Registration license and form of State &Local Administration of Taxation;
(9). Foreign exchange registration license and approval certificate;
(10).Customs declaration registration certification;

4 -5 months or so (after approved by government departments).
SERVICE PRICE: Service charge + Government expense .